Belly Belly True Fact

Here’s something I’ve learned as I’m populating my “weight loss” archives. It’s one of the most important facts that linger in my conscience almost everyday. Ready?

Stress = Belly Fat

I know you’re thinking, “there’s nothing new about that. I’ve heard that from somewhere”. No. Really. You gotta listen to this.

I have to confess that I’m a happy person – well I am most of the time – and well I think it’s because of too much exercise. It does make sense that I could be more bouncier (in a figurative sense), because of the endorphins I create through my physical activities. For those who don’t know what this is, endorphins are happy hormones. This awesome free and safe private narcotic is within us and can easily be acquired by just doing a lot of activities. It’s like having weed brownies only, you don’t pack up calories. Don’t ask me how I know this.

I’m not a doctor or some science guru but from the way I see it, and here it goes, the chaotic wingman of endorphins is ‘cortisol‘. It’s like Donkey from Shrek. It helps get the job done but it messes things up most of the time.

He's a buddy but he's a pain in the a** too.

He’s a buddy but he’s a pain in the a** too – just like cortisol

Cortisol is a steroid hormone created by our adrenal glands and triggered by our hypothalamus whenever we are stressed. Hypothalamus is the headquarters of our emotions – this is our emotions’ control center. What cortisol does is that it regulates your blood pressure and immune function and it helps you tap your energy reserves so you could fight off infection. So when the hypothalamus says, “hey body you have a problem so I want you to feel sad and anxious“. Your adrenal gland then hears this and let’s a lot of cortisol zerglings free.

For non SC players... it's like this... ew?

For non SC players… it’s like this… ew?

The thing is, whenever you’re stressed, your body will think that it’s under attack therefore it’ll shut down some areas to prepare for an invasion. When we are chronically stressed, our body will think we’re in constant danger therefore it protects us – which is a good thing in general. Evolution would point it back to our ancestors who needed this physiological reaction because they would stress out on famine or when predators like T-Rexes hunt for them.

So what does cortisol have to do with your belly fat? A lot. Cortisol’s main function is to increase blood sugar- and a very general knowledge in dieting is that the more sugar you have, the more fats you gain. Yeah… that candy bar, or chocolate, or piece of pie you had just bloated you with more fat cells. The worst part of this is that cortisol mainly causes fat deposits to be in your abdominal area. Look at the bellies of financial CEOs or Mafia bosses. They stress out a lot and most of them (or are portrayed to) have big tummies.

I like the Sopranos.

I like the Sopranos.

There are a lot of people who work out and do proper dieting but are having difficulty flattening their bellies. That is because regardless of their efforts, they still lack sleep, they get stressed at work, or probably they’re carrying a lot of emotional baggages. We read plenty of of “how to’s” on getting flat abdomen and we usually get the same advise – doing crunches, going on a diet, do pole dancing, etc. But here are some of what I’d like to contribute and in my opinion, works like magic to lose belly fat:

  • Meditate. I’m not talking about just you crossing legs and humming, “ohmmm” (though that could work). Give yourself a time to just relax and not think about anything. Bask in your existence by listening to your breathing and feeling the air around you. If it helps, imagine inhaling positive things and exhaling negative baggages. I usually do this by representing the positive with cool green air and the negative as the dark and dense air. Whatever floats your boat should work as effectively as what Buddha did.
Meditation is quiet time. It's you just being your own consciousness.

Meditation is quiet time. It’s you just being your own consciousness.

  • Sleep and steal a nap. Sleeping is important and I thought just because Margaret Thatcher survived with just 3 hours of sleep a day, I could do that too. As a gamer before, I didn’t want to waste time by sleeping . Don’t do that. Sleeping is when fats are burned as primary fuel so having enough of it will optimize your fat burning process. Not only that but it relieves you from stress and makes your body feel rested. However, keep in mind that oversleeping will also cause you to gain weight because you become less active. It’s also associated with diabetes and heart problems. I would say an average of 6-8 hours of sleep for adults a day is just right.
  • Bye bye coffee… not really. I’m sad to share this but coffee accelerates cortisol production. Coffee has a lot of other weight loss benefits like giving your metabolism a temporary boost. However it will mostly be a disadvantage if you’ve become dependent on it. People drink coffee because they need a kick in the morning to become active and I was one of those people. I didn’t want belly fat so instead, I opted to just have green tea and almonds to jumpstart my day. They provide the same results. I also drink magnesium supplements before I sleep but please, consult with your doctor or nutritionist before you do this too. (UPDATE) However, coffee is only a problem for people who are chronically stressed. It can actually be healthy as it acts as a diuretic and antioxidant. Just don’t have too much of it or else you’ll get addicted.
I love coffee. But sometimes... love hurts. :(

I love coffee. But sometimes… love hurts. 😦

  • Listen to music and immerse in humor. I have these two drugs when I work and when I jog. Music has a calming effect and funny things pump up endorphin production. They ease tension and both help you breeze through the day. Try it out but just be aware when you start skipping to work. Unless you don’t mind the curious stares, this shouldn’t be a problem.
  • Evade stress. For people who are especially working, you can’t prevent occupational burdens. Whoever said you can’t dodge stress? Whenever you feel like your boss is poking needles in your brain or that guy behind you is literally throwing paper at you, just stop. Stand up, walk outside and relax, meditate if you can for about 10 mins, or drop everything and go home. I’m serious. Ever since I’ve started treating my job like this, I got better at it and I’ve become more productive. Not only that but I’ve started to love it more. Your work should give you the life you want and if it’s hindering you from improvements, then there’s something wrong with it. I don’t want to sound like a nagger but work is generally easy if you manage your time well.
The grandma is your job and the dog is you. Get out of the car now.

The grandma is your job and the dog is you. Get out of the car now.

  • Be happy. Happiness is the cure for EVERYTHING. If you research about it, you’ll only see positive outcomes with zero side effects. Your days will be brighter, your heart will always feel like it’s in love, and your smile will become infectious. You can achieve this even if your life is filled with drama. Try by being grateful for your blessings. Count up to 10 blessings then get past it when you’re done. You’ll be surprised that you’ll start to feel better. The best part is, you’ll lose your belly fat.

Exercise and dieting are big factors in giving you a flat tummy but they’re not everything. Personally, I would say that those are just about 30% of the solution. The 70% comes from the tips I just shared. I’m a huge proponent of a lifestyle change and I would recommend that over the mechanical “to-do’s” of weight loss. I had a waistline of 34 inches before I decided to take on this new adventure. I now have a 26 inch waistline.

This is a pretty long blog post now but I do hope I’ve been helpful somehow. Just remember that on top of everything, the most effective solution for fat belly reduction is real HAPPINESS.

Here's a toast from me to you. To happiness!

Here’s a toast from me to you. To happiness!

